Since prehistoric man first emerged, human progress has seen the availability of food increase to secure and abundant levels.  However, most of history, humans have had to contend with food scarcity. Survival meant enduring hunger between the few available meals.  If food became abundant, our body stored the excess calories as fat to use as energy when food became scarce once again.

Eventually early humans discovered fire, developed weapons and implemented farming to create a reliable food supply.  Today, many well off countries have public and private companies that create a flood of calorie rich junk food snacks and packaged, sugary desserts. Our bodies still store excess calories as fat but unlike the early humans who had daily, strenuous physical activity required for survival and hunting, people of today have no incentive to hunt for food, only food sales.

The inherited trait from early humans to consume and store calories is now at odds with the success of food production.  This inherited physiological and biological trait is what makes it so difficult for most people who are overweight to lose fat.  The solution most recommended for weight management or weight loss is too consume less calories than your body requires on a daily basis and exercise.

However, when your body loses weight, leptin and insulin levels signal hunger to our brains slowing your metabolism to retain body fat.  As well, neurochemicals such as cannabinoids, opiods and dopomine signal pleasure to the brain when you resume eating aligning with primitive survival instincts.

Therefore overweight or obesity is just as much about bodily survival from prehistoric times as it is from the poor food choices made today.

The MINDALIGN Technique focuses on the excess calories we eat rather than the essential calories we require for good health!  Once you eliminate the excess calories your body weight will fall to its' natural level so you live an improved and much happier life.

Trapped within you is the body you want to have.  Lose and keep off excess weight with the MINDALIGN Technique. It is simple and it works!