A new global study carried out across 30 countries, finds 45% of people globally say that they are currently trying to lose weight.  However, studies also confirm that long term weight loss happens to only the small minority of people.  Only about 5% of people who try to lose weight ultimately succeed according to research.  For those who do achieve initial weight loss, the weight slowly creeps back on usually after about a year and it keeps coming back until the original weight is regained or more. Bariatric surgery can induce weight loss by shrinking the stomach but most people will still be obese after the surgery with risky side effects.

The world is fatter than ever with over 2 billion people now overweight or obese with one in five kids now overweight or obese in developed countries.  The resulting health issues from being fat put a huge burden on government health care, healthcare facilities and medical personnel.

Science says we are held hostage to our biology which is adapted to gain weight for the lean times food is not available.

The very good news is you can lose weight and keep it off with the MINDALIGN Technique!