Once you have achieved your desired weight loss, the ongoing issue is too keep it off in the days, weeks, months and years ahead.  The reason it is so difficult to maintain weight loss is the constant advertising of junk food and sweet baked products such as the endless variety of cookies, donuts, cakes, pies, muffins, candy, chocolate bars, chips, cheezies, popcorn, nachos, tacos, salted nuts and the list goes on and on.  Print media, cable and internet television, email and websites are continuously pushing you to make poor food choices on a daily basis. 

This is because what is bad for you is solid advertising revenue paid by giant, multinational food companies.  In a world flooded with junk food, snacks, candy and sweets there is an enormous monetary interest in keeping people eating junk food.  A rebalancing of food choices is necessary but to do that would curtail many aspects of production and marketing for food industries, a very difficult if not impossible process.

MINDAlign is the must have essential technique you use to keep the weight off on an ongoing basis!